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/ Monster Media 1995 #11 / Monster Media No. 11 (Second Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO / freq_qa / files.lst < prev    next >
File List  |  1995-07-09  |  14KB  |  175 lines

  1. AIDS0395.ZIP    103301   04-17-95 HIV and AIDS.                             
  2. ALIENS.ZIP       80724   06-09-95 Alien Visitors.                           
  3. AMI_CD32.ZIP     14009   06-08-95 Amiga/CD32 CD32 - includes how to         
  4.                                   expand the CD32 to a computer and how     
  5.                                   to use the CD32 as an external CD-ROM     
  6.                                   drive for other computers.                
  7. ANDROID.ZIP       9456   06-05-95 Games/android.                            
  8. ANIME1.ZIP        7190   06-03-95 Anime!                                    
  9. ANIME2.ZIP       26530   06-03-95 Anime!                                    
  10. ANIM_WB.ZIP       6166   05-30-95 Animation Warner Bros.                    
  11. ARGUMTS.ZIP      26073   04-17-95 Philosophical arguments re: God's         
  12.                                   existance.                                
  13. ASTHMA04.ZIP     24610   05-13-95 Asthma.                                   
  14. ATARI_J.ZIP      27156   06-01-95 Atari Jaguar video game system.           
  15. ATARI_L.ZIP      15669   05-31-95 Atari Lynx hand-held video game system.   
  16. ATHEISM.ZIP      57595   06-27-95 Series of FAQs relating to Atheism.       
  17. A_OLYMP.ZIP       7433   06-09-95 Atlanta Olympics.                         
  18. BABYPROO.ZIP     26560   04-17-95 Babyproofing your home.                   
  19. BBUILD.ZIP       20662   05-28-95 Hardgainer Bodybuilding &                 
  20.                                   Weightlifting.                            
  21. BEERBREW.ZIP      9743   06-06-95 Brewing. Home beer making.                
  22. BOARDFAQ.ZIP      7874   04-30-95 Board games.                              
  23. BOB.ZIP           6450   05-30-95 The BOB FAQ.                              
  24. BRIDGE.ZIP        5254   05-29-95 Bridge.                                   
  25. B_COM1.ZIP        9820   05-28-95 Books for the Avid Britcomedy Fan 1/2.    
  26. B_COM2.ZIP       12605   05-28-95 Books for the Avid Britcomedy Fan 2/2.    
  27. CAD.ZIP          67422   05-31-95 Series of FAQS on CAD and CAD tools.      
  28. CAFFEINE.ZIP     25767   05-31-95 Caffeine - All you wanted to know about   
  29.                                   caffeinated beverages.                    
  30. CANCER.ZIP       18466   06-05-95 Cancer - Online Information Sources.      
  31. CATS.ZIP        157051   06-27-95 Series of FAQs on Cats. Discusses         
  32.                                   specific breeds, care and health.         
  33. CFS04.ZIP        38757   05-13-95 Chronic fatigue syndrome.                 
  34. CLASSIC.ZIP      15517   05-30-95 Classical music performing.               
  35. COMEDY.ZIP       10969   06-09-95 Collection of Stand-Up Comedy Hack        
  36.                                   Lines.                                    
  37. COPYRITE.ZIP      5953   05-28-95 Copyright Myths FAQ: 10 big myths about   
  38.                                   copyright explained.                      
  39. CREDIT.ZIP       47009   06-06-95 Series of FAQs regarding Credit.          
  40. CRYONICS.ZIP     43278   06-27-95 Series of FAQs on Cryonics. Index,        
  41.                                   Science, Philosophy and technical info.   
  42. CRYPT.ZIP        52587   06-27-95 Series of FAQs on Cryptography.           
  43.                                   Overview, Basic, Mathematical, Public     
  44.                                   Key, Technical and more.                  
  45. CYBER.ZIP        13444   06-08-95 Cyberpunk.                                
  46. C_Q_AFAQ.ZIP     56561   05-15-95 For C Programmers.                        
  47. DF_FAQ.ZIP       42877   04-12-95 Dark forces v2.1.                         
  48. DISNEYW2.ZIP     17522   04-17-95 Disney World.                             
  49. DOGS.ZIP        482970   06-27-95 Series of FAQs on Dogs. Discusses         
  50.                                   specific breeds, care and training.       
  51. DREAMS.ZIP       30561   06-27-95 Series of FAQs on Dreams. General info,   
  52.                                   nightmares, research and more.            
  53. DRUGS.ZIP         7228   05-28-95 Drugs.                                    
  54. D_ADAMS.ZIP      21257   06-01-95 Douglas Adams.                            
  55. D_BARRY.ZIP      16011   06-04-95 Dave Barry.                               
  56. E_MAIL.ZIP       13047   05-28-95 How to find people's E-mail addresses.    
  57. E_PRIV.ZIP        5565   05-28-95 Computer E-Mail Privacy.                  
  58. FED_TAX.ZIP      17309   06-08-95 US federal taxes.                         
  59. FERRETS.ZIP      61133   05-22-95 Series of FAQs on Ferrets. All about      
  60.                                   the new hot pet.                          
  61. FIRESIGN.ZIP     79379   06-27-95 Series of FAQs on the Firesign Theatre:   
  62.                                   Introduction, lyrics and lexicon.         
  63. FOOSBAL1.ZIP     15954   06-05-95 Table soccer - Snake and Pull Shots.      
  64. FOOSBAL2.ZIP     14632   05-31-95 Table Soccer - Learning Foosball.         
  65. GAMBLE.ZIP        7899   06-06-95 Gambling.                                 
  66. GAMESHOW.ZIP      9658   05-28-95 List of U.S. Game Shows.                  
  67. GAY_LES.ZIP      12353   06-08-95 Gay-lesbian-bi.                           
  68. GHOSTS12.ZIP     20784   04-17-95 Ghosts and ghost stories.                 
  69. GOLF.ZIP         20256   06-07-95 Golf.                                     
  70. GRAPHICS.ZIP     64529   06-27-95 Series of FAQs on Graphics Formats.       
  71.                                   Image Conversion, Display programs,       
  72.                                   specs, tips and tricks of the trade and   
  73.                                   more.                                     
  74. GRAPH_U.ZIP      11520   05-28-95 Graphic Utilities' Site & Version         
  75.                                   v.014.                                    
  76. GUNS.ZIP         16382   06-05-95 Guns.                                     
  77. HOCKEY1.ZIP      17218   06-09-95 Hockey - Professional leagues in North    
  78.                                   America.                                  
  79. HOCKEY2.ZIP      22918   06-09-95 Hockey - Other leagues, information.      
  80. H_STERN.ZIP      18510   06-08-95 Howard Stern.                             
  81. INT_EMA.ZIP      10312   05-28-95 International E-mail accessibility.       
  82. ISLAM.ZIP       144102   06-27-95 Series of FAQs about Islam and Islamic    
  83.                                   culture.                                  
  84. JPEG1.ZIP        18111   05-28-95 JPEG image compression. 1/2.              
  85. JPEG2.ZIP        12750   05-28-95 JPEG image compression. 2/2.              
  86. JUGGLING.ZIP      6403   06-05-95 Juggling.                                 
  87. KIDS_NAT.ZIP     24377   06-09-95 Prenatal Testing - Overview and           
  88.                                   Personal Stories.                         
  89. KIDS_PRE.ZIP      6332   06-09-95 Pre-Pregnancy and Pregnancy Tests.        
  90. KIDS_ULT.ZIP      7388   06-09-95 Ultrasound - prenatal test used for a     
  91.                                   wide variety of purposes.                 
  92. LEMURS.ZIP       96606   06-05-95 Series of FAQs on Lemurs.                 
  93. LINUX.ZIP         9014   06-04-95 Linux/68k-FAQ v1.3.                       
  94. LRDFAQ10.ZIP     32327   04-24-95 Legend Of The Red Dragon OFFICIAL FAQ     
  95.                                   v1.0.                                     
  96. MAILLIST.ZIP    232318   05-20-95 Series of FAQs listing 1232 Publicly      
  97.                                   accessable mailing lists.                 
  98. MARILION.ZIP     36506   05-20-95 Series of FAQs on the band Marillion      
  99.                                   and singer Fish.                          
  100. MAR_ARTS.ZIP      8537   05-28-95 Martial-Arts Newbie Guide How to choose   
  101.                                   an art and a school for those new to      
  102.                                   the martial arts.                         
  103. MENSA.ZIP         4469   05-28-95 Mensa - What famous people are members    
  104.                                   of Mensa?                                 
  105. MOD_SHIP.ZIP     57808   06-04-95 Series of FAQs on Ship Modeling.          
  106. MONEY.ZIP         4633   05-28-95 Make money fast.                          
  107. MUSIC.ZIP         4901   05-28-95 Music Reviews.                            
  108. M_PYTHON.ZIP     19698   05-30-95 Monty Python.                             
  109. NETIQUET.ZIP     10986   05-28-95 Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions     
  110.                                   on Netiquette.                            
  111. ORGANS.ZIP       13469   05-28-95 Organ transplantation newsgroup.          
  112. OS_2.ZIP          6468   05-28-95 OS/2 New User Introduction.               
  113. OVERCLCK.ZIP      7104   05-29-95 Information on overclocking your          
  114.                                   computer!                                 
  115. PAGAN.ZIP        16102   05-28-95 Pagan FAQ.                                
  116. PICTURE1.ZIP     12904   05-30-95 Alt.binaries.pictures - General           
  117.                                   Etiquette.                                
  118. PICTURE2.ZIP     12296   05-30-95 Alt.binaries.pictures - General info.     
  119. PINBALL1.ZIP      5313   06-03-95 Pinball. 1/2.                             
  120. PINBALL2.ZIP      9516   06-03-95 Pinball. 2/2.                             
  121. PRIVACY.ZIP      13147   06-07-95 Privacy Info Source credit, medical,      
  122.                                   personal, etc.                            
  123. PUZZLES.ZIP       8559   05-28-95 Puzzles.                                  
  124. PYRO.ZIP         23436   06-07-95 Pyrotechnics - basic details, safety      
  125.                                   information and answers.                  
  126. RCF_1.ZIP         9603   05-30-95 Beginner's Guide to Radio Controlled      
  127.                                   Flying. 1/2.                              
  128. RCF_2.ZIP        15571   05-30-95 Beginner's Guide to Radio Controlled      
  129.                                   Flying. 2/2.                              
  130. ROMANCE.ZIP       6071   05-28-95 Romance chat FAQ.                         
  131. R_DWARF.ZIP      23459   06-05-95 Red Dwarf - the BBC science-fiction       
  132.                                   comedy series.                            
  133. SCRABBLE.ZIP     20352   05-28-95 Scrabble FAQ - Club and Tournament        
  134.                                   Supplement.                               
  135. SIMPSONS.ZIP     19398   06-09-95 The Simpsons.                             
  136. SKATE.ZIP        31622   06-27-95 Series of FAQs on Competitive Figure      
  137.                                   Skating. Introduction, rules, technical   
  138.                                   and events.                               
  139. SOCIAL.ZIP        5997   05-28-95 Guide to Social Newsgroups and Mailing    
  140.                                   Lists.                                    
  141. SOC_SEC.ZIP      14072   05-28-95 Social Security - What to do when         
  142.                                   someone asks for your SSN. Who can        
  143.                                   insist on getting it from you, who you    
  144.                                   can refuse to give it to. Legal           
  145.                                   references and citations to other         
  146.                                   sources.                                  
  147. SUICIDE.ZIP       7586   05-28-95 Suicide and suicide prevention.           
  148. TENNIS.ZIP       57386   06-27-95 Series of FAQs on Tennis. Tournaments,    
  149.                                   rankings, player info, equipment and      
  150.                                   more.                                     
  151. UFOFAQ2.ZIP      11248   04-18-95 XCOM v2.0.                                
  152. UNIX.ZIP         73174   05-31-95 Series of FAQs about Unix.                
  153. USENET.ZIP       71391   06-27-95 Series of FAQs on the Usenet.             
  154.                                   Introduction, how to post, general        
  155.                                   info.                                     
  156. USE_ADS.ZIP       5678   06-05-95 A Guide to Buying and Selling on Usenet   
  157.                                   A guide to the rec.radio.swap newsgroup   
  158.                                   providing a of the group and its          
  159.                                   charter net-wisdom on the best use of     
  160.                                   this forum, and some brief netiquette     
  161.                                   notes. Also provides general guidelines   
  162.                                   for the other                             
  163. UUCPMAIL.ZIP     10143   05-28-95 Intro to uucp mail, and news for msdos    
  164.                                   or ms-windows or os2.                     
  165. V_GAMES.ZIP       8962   05-30-95 Video arcade games.                       
  166. V_GAMES1.ZIP     13616   06-03-95 Video Games. 1/3.                         
  167. V_GAMES2.ZIP      9402   06-03-95 Video Games. 2/3.                         
  168. V_GAMES3.ZIP     19747   06-03-95 Video Games. 3/3.                         
  169. WBIRDS_1.ZIP     12941   05-28-95 Wild birds. 1/2.                          
  170. WBIRDS_2.ZIP     10272   05-28-95 Wild birds. 2/2.                          
  171. WIN_NT1.ZIP      11930   06-01-95 Windows NT Internet. 1/2.                 
  172. WIN_NT2.ZIP      13257   06-01-95 Windows NT Internet. 2/2.                 
  173. WPFAQ001.ZIP    111763   04-29-95 Warp and TCP/IP.                          
  174. XCQUE.ZIP        41170   05-04-95 Xcom 2.                                   